Brothers Twice
Casting Call


Casting for a new feature length film.

Bruce Frye knew that one day, his voice would make him a legend in the Country Music World, and he wanted nothing more than to see that dream fulfilled! The more he sang, the more the crowds grew, and the more he believed that his big break was just around the corner. But after seven long years of performing on the Nashville stage, Bruce found himself suffering from heavy addiction, without a penny to his name, and without his coveted record deal he so desperately needed. He had come to the end of the line. Little did he know, that miles away in an old country barn, his older brother Sammy, was doing battle for his soul in prayer!

Twenty-one years Sammy prayed for Bruce to turn to Jesus and the true story of how Bruce went from broken to believing is something you will never forget! Sammy and Bruce Frye were brothers by blood, but after the incredible journey of faith that God brought them through, they realized they were both brothers in Jesus now as well. They were Brothers Twice.


Male. Icon of Nashville. Skull was nearly 80 years old when he was murdered. Very quiet old man, with a round innocent looking face that was not at all congruent with the lifestyle he led. The sort of man who lived for pleasure: sports, women, and beer. But it never would have pleased him to hurt somebody else, so there is a certain kindness in him, especially towards struggling artists and down on their luck dreamers. Very stoic in nature, but with a generous streak.
Ethnicity: White / European Descent
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel, Cover Letter
Pay: $150.00 – $300.00 for an estimated 3 days of work (flat rate)
Female. 30s-40s. Caucasian. Very no nonsense disciplinarian type of mother, but she loves her children deeply. She is married to an imperfect, sometimes unfaithful man, and she certainly suspects, but in the end family is her highest priority. She wants her children to be respectful, responsible, and moral, and she sees church and religion as one of the ways a person grows into those character traits, but hers is a doing religion rather than a personal relationship, and as her children grow and stray from what is right, it becomes apparent that something very important was missing from their lives.
Ethnicity: White / European Descent
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel, Cover Letter
Pay: $150.00 – $300.00 for an estimated 4 days of work (flat rate)

Male. 30s-40s. This character ages over the course of the film. He is a man with demons. He is from the generation that was stoic until they lost their tempers. When faced with a situation where his authority as the head of the household is challenged, he is the sort that lashes out. In the end, we see him older and a changed man.

Ethnicity: White / European Descent

Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel, Cover Letter

Rate: $150.00 – $300.00 / day (estimated duration: not provided)

Male. 40s. Caucasian. Nashville friend of Bruce who legitimately cares about him and his overall well being. He’s not a partier, he’s seen too much of what it does to people, and overall, he lives a “better” life than most of the crowd Bruce runs with, but in the end, he doesn’t really believe in anything in particular. He’s living his life as best as he can and trying not to hurt anybody in the process.

Ethnicity: White / European Descent

Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel, Cover Letter

 Pay: $150.00 – $300.00 for an estimated 3 days of work (flat rate)

Male. Late 20s. Caucasian. Cousin Ernie is a successful car salesman. He knows how to make his money work for him and is not about to do something out of the goodness of his heart. He looks at the numbers and acts when they seem to be leaning in his favor.
Ethnicity: White / European Descent
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel, Cover Letter
Rate: $150.00 – $300.00 / day
Total Pay: $300.00 – $600.00 for an estimated 2 days of work

Male. Mid-Late 20s. Caucasian. Long haired and rock and roll loving. Gary is the third member of the “Friends” band. He plays the Bass and Harmony Vocals
Will need to be musically inclined and it’s a plus if you play bass

Ethnicity: White / European Descen

Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel, Cover Letter

Rate: $150.00 – $300.00 / day

Total Pay: $300.00 – $600.00 for an estimated 2 days of work

Male. Late 30s. Caucasian. Younger brother of Bruce and Sammy. He has lived his own life as a stuntman in Hollywood. He was a world class kick boxer. He loves his family, but has largely stayed clear of the tension and conflict that plagues his older brother.

Ethnicity: White / European Descent

Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel, Cover Letter

Pay: $150.00 – $300.00 for an estimated 1 day of work (flat rate)

Male. Caucasian, Late 30s. Guitar player and more clean cut than most of the performers you would see in Nashville.
Ethnicity: White / European Descent
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel, Cover Letter
Pay: $150.00 – $300.00 for an estimated 1 day of work (flat rate)

ASCAP LADY: Female. 20’s-40’s Any race. Typical paper pusher who doesn’t often get to give good news to people. She’s very direct and efficient.

Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel, Cover Letter

Rate: $150.00 – $300.00 / day
Total Pay: $150.00 – $300.00 for an estimated 1 day of work


Audition submissions can be made on our listing at or e-mail us at


Wardrobe checks and screen-tests will be held mid-May through mid-June. 

Shooting: June 24th – July 26th, 2024

Locations: North and South Carolina 


Nicole Chavers Stratton


Noah Stratton 

Executive Producer

Ben Maciejack 
